These wizard wands are hand-turned from solid Padauk, with styling and design intended to reign in the more chaotic metaphysical properties of the wood. Wandlore says that padauk is a powerful but sometimes chaotic wood, its energy constantly changing, randomly fluctuating. This is probably why Professor Dumbledore banned Padauk wands for students who haven't yet passed their N.E.W.T. wizarding exams. Not to be underestimated, but in the hands of an experienced wizard, these wands have a lot of potential.
I suppose I should have researched the magical properties of Padauk before I tried waving the first of these wands around - you think Ollivander's was a mess after Harry Potter tried a few mismatched wands, you should have seen my shop! Good think I know Scourgify and Repairo! Could have been much, much worse. Still, if you think your magical abilities are honed and polished enough, this may be a wand for you.
Approximately 13" long, price as shown: $19.50 per wand. Be sure to specify which wand shape in your "buyer instructions" in the checkout process.By clicking on "Order Now," buyer agrees to these terms.
I love your wands! I was wondering though, with Padauk wands I found one I like but it does not give me the option to say which one I want. Do have to agree to pay for it and then will it allow me? My email adress is please do email me the answer. I love your wands you do amazing work. BTW my name is Becca T. Thank you. :)
Because I make the wand after you place your order, really you can choose any shape of wand from my site, or other shapes that you come up with or find somewhere else - it's the wood type that determines the price, and the length. Either I can email you an invoice if you tell me what you want, or you can pay with the "order now" button and specify information in the instructions. I always confirm orders via email too to make sure I give you exactly what you want.
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